
FAU Profile Center Immunomedicine

The FAU Profile Center Immunomedicine (FAU I-MED) originates from the Medical Immunology Campus Erlangen (MICE), which was founded as an FAU interdisciplinary center in 2009. Its overarching objective is the coordination of immunological and infectious disease research at FAU. The profile center aims to enable and strengthen interdisciplinary scientific work on complex, challenging and innovative topics within the entire field of immunology. FAU I-MED belongs to the FAU research focus “Medicine, Life Sciences and Health”, but also has strong connections to other research priorities such as “Medical Engineering” or “Optics and Optical technologies”.

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The main scientific and structural goals of FAU I-MED are

  1. to establish a common platform and scientific infrastructure for all areas of immunology and immunobiology, and to consolidate the expertise in basic, translational and clinical immunological and infectious disease research, including clinical trials;
  2. to train excellent young scientists and to promote scientific careers with an immunological, infectious disease or methodological focus relevant to immunology,
    (a) in undergraduate studies by the involvement of students in research projects;
    (b) during doctoral studies through supervision, participation in symposia and conferences, and provision of the necessary competencies for a scientific career;
    (c) in the post-doctoral phase through mentoring, encouragement to set up independent research groups, and by integration into research consortia or clinician scientist programs;
  3. to integrate basic, translational and clinical immunological and infectious disease research into teaching concepts within the relevant study programs at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
  4. to coordinate the participation of FAU researchers in national and international competitive research funding initiatives (e.g., DFG- or EU-funded research training groups, research units, collaborative research centers, or priority programs).
  5. to promote the scientific exchange and visibility of FAU by the publication of research results in specialized journals and media, the organization of guest’s seminars, workshops and conferences, and by the participation in national and international research collaborations, research funding organizations, scientific societies, commissions and working groups.