
Scientists of FAU I-MED investigate the development, composition, function, dysfunction and the deficiencies of the immune system. By translating the results into clinical approaches, new and personalized methods for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of chronic inflammatory, autoimmune, infectious, autoimmune and malignant diseases are developed.


FAU I-MED is divided into the following thematic units:

  1. Basic immunological research
  2. Infectious disesase immunology, including vaccination
  3. Tumor immunology
  4. Immunology of autoimmune diseases, autoinflammatory diseases and chronic inflammatory diseases in all organ systems
  5. Immunological methods and other techniques and procedures relevant to the analysis of immunological processes (in cooperation with the Max Planck Center for Physics and Medicine and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
  6. Studies and clinical trials on immunotherapy within the framework of the German Center for Immunotherapy (DZI), the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT-WERA, incl. Early Clinical Trial Unit) or the Bavarian Center for Cancer Research (BZKF).


Please find detailed information on individual research projects under People.